About Nutra Yu

Nutra Yu revolutionizes nutritional products by integrating Western Orthomolecular, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and modern-day physics. By synthesizing these methodologies, Dr. Louie Yu's proprietary and innovative products naturally help rebuild health, energy, and harmony by supporting the foundation of the human body. Nutra Yu's unique formulation is 100% natural combining high-quality vitamins and deep oceanic minerals for cellular hydration, boosting energy, and strengthening immunity. Get your essential vitamins and minerals today from Nutra Yu to support your healthy life!


About Dr. Louie Yu

Dr. Louie Yu, the founder of Nutra Yu, is recognized worldwide as a physician, teacher, and formulator of innovative nutritional products. His family has been practicing acupuncture for 23 generations. Dr. Yu received his doctorate in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture from the Victoria Cultural Society in British Columbia and started a successful clinical practice in Los Angeles, California. Early in his career, a chance meeting with an acclaimed biochemist, Dr. Alfred Libby, collaborator of Dr. Linus Pauling, who is a two-time Nobel laureate and the father of orthomolecular medicine changed the course of his life. From that chance meeting, the two doctors became instant comrades and led to Dr. Yu’s extended period of private study with Dr. Libby. Dr. Yu gratefully followed his mentor’s teachings, mastering the concepts of orthomolecular medicine. In 2002, he received his Ph.D. in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Shanghai TCM College of British Columbia. Dr. Yu has been able to synthesize modern medicine with wisdom from the East.